One of the most common ways to color wooden ties involves soaking them in wood stain, straining the ties from the stain through a filter (like a coffee filter) or screen, and spreading them out on paper to dry. This method is a variation using dye diluted with isopropyl alcohol (IPA). The primary advantage of this method is the ties dry very quickly compared to using wood stain.

Pre-mixed solutions can be purchased from Hunterline’s weathering mix product line if you do not want to mix your own. However, if you’re staining your own ties, you’ll need a large volume, and its not difficult to mix your own.
To make the staining solutions, you’ll need the following items:
- dark brown leather dye
- black leather dye
- isopropyl alcohol (IPA)
- containers for storing the finished solutions
Leather dyes can be found at Hobby Lobby and other retailers. IPA can usually be found at any pharmacy or grocery store pharmacy department.

Simply mix the ingredients in the specified ratios to get the colors seen in the picture above. Of course, you can also play with your own ratios to get different variations.
Because the dyes can be messy, use a clear disposable cup with a volume mark made with a marker to mix the dye and IPA to the right proportions.
For staining ties, fill a container like a disposable cup with stain and ties. Then after the ties have soaked for a minute or so, pour the stain back into your container through a filter or screen to stop the ties and any sawdust from getting back into your stain container. A good filter option is paint filter strainer. Spread out the stained ties on paper to dry.